EVS Metal has once again teamed up with Columbia University students to assist in fabricating precision metal parts for their student race car club — officially known as Knickerbocker Motorsports (Columbia FSAE). Columbia FSAE is a student club that builds open-wheeled, formula-style race cars from scratch. Once completed, they travel to competitions to face other … Continue reading “EVS Teams with Knickerbocker Motorsports to Fabricate Parts for EV”
EVS Metal was featured in this month’s issue of FAB Shop Magazine in an article discussing the benefits of contracting with American fabricators. Joe Amico, vice president of EVS Metal Inc., with metal fabrication locations in New Jersey, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Texas, offers several good reasons for keeping manufacturing stateside. “For starters, we’re able … Continue reading “EVS Metal Featured in FAB Shop Magazine”
EVS Metal has once again teamed up with Columbia University students to assist in fabricating precision metal components for their racing club — officially known as Knickerbocker Motorsports (Columbia FSAE). Columbia FSAE is a student team that builds open-wheeled, formula-style race cars from scratch. Once completed, they travel to competitions to face other colleges and … Continue reading “EVS Metal Lends a Hand to Columbia University’s Knickerbocker Motorsports Team”
EVS Metal is pleased to publish another installation in our ongoing series of spotlight articles highlighting employees and their departments. We hope these help illustrate EVS’ capabilities as a manufacturer and metal fabricator, and the value our people bring to the table each and every day. Spotlight on Danny, Finishing Department Manager, EVS Metal … Continue reading “Spotlight on Metal Finishing: Q&A with Danny, EVS Metal Texas”
EVS Metal, an American precision sheet metal fabricator of complex-machined products, was named to “The Fabricator” magazine’s Fab 40 for the 10th consecutive year. Having made this important list since its inception, EVS is proud to be included again for 2019. RIVERDALE, N.J. (PRWEB) June 7th, 2019: EVS Metal was once again named a Fab … Continue reading “EVS METAL NAMED A “FAB 40” METAL FABRICATOR FOR 10TH CONSECUTIVE YEAR, MOVES UP TWO PLACES”
EVS Metal is fortunate to attract some of the best and most accomplished individuals in the metalworking industry; our outstanding staff is truly our most important asset. However, it is understandably difficult for customers to get a feel for the level of dedication our team brings to work every day without reading it in their … Continue reading “Sales Engineering for Metal Fabrication: Q&A with Jim”
It’s been a busy few weeks in the metal fabrication and manufacturing industries. This week, we’re briefly recapping some of the most important news of the recent cycles. U.S Trade War with China Escalates Just when we thought the trade war was starting to resolve itself, tensions rose again. On May 10th, tariffs on Chinese … Continue reading “Manufacturing & Metal Fab Industry News”
Congratulations are in order for EVS Texas (Pflugerville-Austin) welder Michael Miller, who recently won his second-consecutive Skills USA competition at the state level. Michael won for his piece entitled “Kinship,” which was created to represent his modern, blended family. An excerpt from Michael’s artist’s statement reads: Kinship is a sculpture about the joining of two … Continue reading “EVS Welder Michael Miller Wins Second-Consecutive Skills USA Competition”
ITAR for Metal Fabricators: The Basics Article Revised August 16th, 2022 ITAR is a United States-specific set of regulations that control how military, defense, and space-related products are made, sold, and distributed. You can find all products and services that meet ITAR regulations on the United States Munitions List (USML). These can range from actual defense-related goods, … Continue reading “ITAR for Metal Fabricators: A Complete Guide”
March marks the 1-year anniversary of President Trump’s Section 232 steel and aluminum tariffs, and what could have easily been the start of a trade war with China and other countries that have traditionally been close allies of the United States. These include Mexico, Canada, and those comprising the EU — all of which did, … Continue reading “The Trump Tariffs: One Year Later”