EVS Metal was featured in this month’s issue of FAB Shop Magazine in an article discussing the benefits of contracting with American fabricators.
Joe Amico, vice president of EVS Metal Inc., with metal fabrication locations in New Jersey, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Texas, offers several good reasons for keeping manufacturing stateside. “For starters, we’re able to react much more quickly to market trends,” he says. “A three-hour time difference doesn’t create nearly the lag as a 12-hour one does, and there are no language barriers to overcome, making communications with U.S. suppliers faster and easier.
“Plus, with locations in four states, even a customer in California can be at one of our facilities within a few hours if the need arises,” he adds. “This makes the turnaround of a new product or change to a prototype design a much faster process than is possible with an overseas fabricator.”
Amico also noted that a U.S.-based supply chain means managing the effects of fewer potential geopolitical or natural disasters. “Even if a disaster does occur, the magnitude is generally much lower when we can be involved locally, with boots on the ground to make changes or alter plans as necessary to ensure customers get what they need.”
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